HiDec 22 - 03:00 GMT
I need to have a database and filesystem which is fully compatible with southeast asian languages (UTF8)
I am a bit confused, as when I setup the database it said utf8_unicode_ci
I also changed the collation as this was - very strange - then in latin1_swedish_ci.
I need to have everything in utf8
How can I achieve this. Bellow you can find the settings I made already but still this latin1 shows up very often. To avooid doubled encoding I need the right settings here for fully utf8
Your settings in MYSQL are the following:
character set client utf8
(Global value) latin1
character set connection utf8
(Global value) latin1
character set database latin1
character set filesystem binary
character set results utf8
(Global value) latin1
character set server latin1
character set system utf8
character sets dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
collation connection utf8_unicode_ci
(Global value) latin1_swedish_ci
collation database latin1_swedish_ci
collation server latin1_swedish_ci
Thanks for helping
Servage - Adam
Hello Andreas,Dec 22 - 04:54 GMT
Thankd for writing in.
You can change the character set of your database through your phpmyadmin. When you have logged into your phpmyadmin of your database you will have an option for changing it like
MySQL connection collation:
There you can change your character set to the one you wish to have, we generally re-commend utf8_unicode_ci
Kindly check and confirm the same and update us if you have any further queries.
Kind regards,
Adam, Support -support
Servage Hosting
Thanks I checked again and ALL settings are on utf8-unicode-ciDec 22 - 07:24 GMT
BUT when I list the system variables it looks like this and here still lots of latin1 and latin1_swedish_ci appears
character set client utf8
(Global value) latin1
character set connection utf8
(Global value) latin1
character set database latin1
character set filesystem binary
character set results utf8
(Global value) latin1
character set server latin1
character set system utf8
character sets dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
collation connection utf8_unicode_ci
(Global value) latin1_swedish_ci
collation database latin1_swedish_ci
collation server latin1_swedish_ci
It seems that the database itself is still encoding in latin!!!
Why is it not in utf8 when you even recommend it? This would make tinks much much easier for us!
Servage - Adam
Hello Andreas,Dec 22 - 07:59 GMT
Thanks for the update.
We have checked your issue and found that you have not uploaded the tables in your database we suggest you to please upload your database contents so that
we can check and assist you in a better way.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Kind regards,
Adam, Support -support
Servage Hosting
As I will import utf8 data FIRST the settings of the databases need to be OK and then I can upload tables!Dec 22 - 08:06 GMT
As You can see here in YOUR List a lot of latin1 and latin1_swedish_ci settings appear which in OUR database (THe one we gonna move to yours) ALL those settings are utf8_unicode_ci
I hope you can imagine what will hapen if the settings weren't right. This is first a test install to figure out your service and support before we decide moving thousands of pages in. The results of you support will be reported in articles and book by the way.
Servage was recommended another company and so we need to test this first!
Speed seems OK, space and usability of the interface is average as some major function like copying files and copying folders is missing,
Also it is not possible to delete symlinks which have been created by unpacking a file
We found also lots of typos in your faq and documentation and it looks as you are not native english ;-)
i.e. in RoR and email FAQ
Incert at the bottum:
ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :sendmail
ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true
The support is very slow!!! we need to wait average 2 - 3 hours! I hope this will be better soon as you advertise minutes ;-)
Then we didn't get sufficient answers about installing a RoR Application like Redmine - Only standard paste and copy answers until now which isn't really good advertisement for a qualified personal support or? At least the support should read the requests and mails until the end and ALWAYS give answers to ALL content of a ail and not only to the top of a mail.
Until now the problem with the symlink is still not solved and we meanwhile had to cancel the ticket as we are only allowed for 2 tickets at a time. >> This i.e. will be brought into a TIP for users who wanna host with you in the article - like - Open up ONE TICKET and put ALL YOUR PROBLEMS in. Then for each new item post a NEW ticket and if you won't get an answer paste and copy it to the other ticket so you still got an open ticket. Before you should rate it with overall unsatisfied.
We need to be consumer oriented and Your advertisement really looks like that what we are searching for. CLUSTERED HOSTING.
You can read other articles from me in the internet by the way. I am visiting international conferences and also writing for several computer journals.
But now back to the Problems:
Here are OUR System Variables and PLEASE compare them with yours and you obviously can see the difference i hope so ;-)
character set client utf8
character set connection utf8
character set database utf8
character set filesystem binary
character set results utf8
character set server utf8
character set system utf8
character sets dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
collation connection utf8_unicode_ci
collation database utf8_unicode_ci
collation server utf8_unicode_ci
When I list YOUR system variables it looks like this and here still lots of latin1 and latin1_swedish_ci appears
character set client utf8
(Global value) latin1
character set connection utf8
(Global value) latin1
character set database latin1
character set filesystem binary
character set results utf8
(Global value) latin1
character set server latin1
character set system utf8
character sets dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
collation connection utf8_unicode_ci
(Global value) latin1_swedish_ci
collation database latin1_swedish_ci
collation server latin1_swedish_ci
So How can I get ALL of this settings to show up utf8_unicode_ci
and if this isn't possible at your accountwith what problems do we and our customers need to calculate if we move thousands of pages in with OUR settings - will this cause conflicts, especially with wrong encoding, doubled encoding?
Servage - Adam
Hello Andreas,Dec 22 - 08:13 GMT
Thanks for the update.
We suggest you to please upload yor tables of your database directly and after that you can fire the following SQL queries so that your character set would be changed to the utf8_general_ci.
I hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Adam, Support -support
Servage Hosting
Hi AdamDec 22 - 08:17 GMT
Which command
You wrote:
...that you can fire the following SQL queries ...
But there was no SQL queries listed in your post. Also you would be the first shared hoster who would be able to make INDIVIDUAL Main Database settings. Is this really possible as if we would change the collation of the server to utf8!!!
If this is possible at servage this would be a great advantage for many users. Please let us know. Thanks
Servage - Adam
Hello Andreas,Dec 22 - 08:28 GMT
Thanks for the update.
I do apologize for the previvious reply. You can fire the following commands
alter database default CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
Kind regards,
Adam, Support -support
Servage Hosting
Thanks AdamDec 22 - 08:36 GMT
And during uploading from our utf-8 to your latin1 and then recoding with alter to utf8 no double conversion will happen ???
Servage - Adam
Hello Andreas,Dec 24 - 02:28 GMT
Thanks for the update.
Yes you are correct once you upload your database and fire the queries You database character set will be converted to utf8_general_ci.
Kindly check and confirm the same and update us if you have any further queries.
Kind regards,
Adam, Support -support
Servage Hosting
HI SERVAGEDec 24 - 03:38 GMT
NOTICE ----------------------------------------------
Thanks Andi
Servage - Scott
Hello Andreas,
Ok. Thank you! :)
Kind regards,
Scott, Support
Servage Hosting
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