Jan 14 - 13:24 GMT Customer | Koennten Sie uns bitte ihren Gerichtsstand mitteilen Sowie ihre Verantwortlichen Danke |
Jan 14 - 13:29 GMT Servage - Nick | Hello Andreas,
Please provide us your query in english. Thank you.
Kind regards, Nick, Support Servage Hosting |
Jan 14 - 13:35 GMT Customer | Sie verstehen sehr gut DEUTSCH Bitte leiten Sie die gesamte Angelegenheit UNVERZUEGLICH weiter an Steffan Fallesen |
Jan 14 - 13:39 GMT Customer | Sie sind eine DEUTSCH FIRMA, sind in Deutschland ansaessig also koennen Sie auch DEUTSCH sehr gut verstehen, bzw. finden jemand - z.B. Steffan Fallesen, der DEUTSCH kann.
Sie haben nun schon den ganzen Tag mit absolutem NICHTSTUN geglaenzt und wir verzeichnen dadurch Verluste. Bis gestern ging unsere Seite einwandfrei und seitdem JULIE gestern an ihr rumgemacht hat geht sie NICHT mehr.
Wir haben versucht unser DEMO das noch einwandfrei arbeitet mit der LIVE Datenbank zu verbinden, doch s wird seit Stunden nur die DEMO Datenbank angezeigt, die ueberhaupt nicht mehr in database.yml drinnensteht.
Durch IHR nichtstun sind uns erhebliche Schaeden entstanden die wir so nicht stehen lassen koennen. |
Even Phonecalls won't get answered
Jan 14 - 14:36 GMT Customer | According to Steffan Fallesen, founder of Servage, in an interview with Ipwalk, ''Most new customers are gained via customer referrals and we are very proud of this. We do not want to be a high profile company. Instead we focus on bringing the customer the best possible service at a good rate.''
HA - HA - HA - I guess meanwhile nobody who ever dealt with your terrible support will agree on this!
This strange statement was found here: http://www.cheaphostingdirectory.com/news-fastest-growing-danish-web-hosting-company-is-servage-1924.html
Jan 14 - 14:37 GMT Support - Mark | Hello Andreas,
Please elaborate your issue clearly in a simple english language. in order to further investigate and assist you in a better way.
Kind regards, Mark, Servage - Support Servage Hosting |
Jan 14 - 15:27 GMT Customer | Hi Mark
We have done this the whole day and our lawyers are meanwhile preparing their stuff as YOU are constantly destroying our good work due to your NONRESPONDING mentality. You are a GERMAN COMPANY, German Courts will be getting this issues as we are waiting since 24 Hours for help for a problem one of your Support Members - JULIE - has caused and only received stupid answers.
We have very valuable customers like **** who weren't able to work today with Redmine which draw us back a complete day!!!
This is only one customer as an example. There are also other SERVAGE Customers with HUGE SITES and **** which couldn't work either.
So please send us Address of Company, Responsible Person, Handelsregistereintrag No - Company Registration Number, Court which is responsible for lawsuits (all German Companies which are registered have it)
We tried to contact you via phone and no response We marked the complete issues as URGENT but you didn't answer the issues You are a GERMAN Company and therefore GERMAN will be the MAIN LANGUAGE.
If you don't believe for who we are working check the database which didn't get loaded into t3log.info I guess then you know it better ;-)
I check back in 15 Minutes and I hope I will see the ALL Answers to ALL my questions |
Jan 14 - 15:31 GMT Customer | What you have the whole day is a MAJOR Caching Problem in your clusters! |
Jan 14 - 15:53 GMT Customer | We close this post as nobody is answering |
We needed to open up a new ticket as servage wasn't answering at all to the matter