Monday, January 14, 2008

CSS won't get loaded anymore! What have YOU done???

Jan 14 - 05:47 GMT


We need this fixed immediately. Until Yesterday the site worked pretty fine, but today the CSS won't get loaded again.
Please Check! We need this FIXED NOW!!!


Problem URL:

Jan 14 - 05:58 GMT
Servage - Peter

Hello Andreas,

Thank you for the reply.

This is to inform you that the domain is appearing to be working fine.

I suggest you to please do check at your end after some time.

Thank you for understanding.

Kind regards,
Peter, Servage - Support
Servage Hosting

Jan 14 - 06:35 GMT

Hi Peter

do you see the page WITH CSS as we don't get any CSS file here!!! How can this be? Yesterday it worked perfectly and very very fast. Today it takes about 1 min to load 1 page without CSS from Redmine. is working fast and fine with CSS - typo3 is working fast and fine with CSS - vTiger is working fast and fine with CSS - redmine is working fine with CSS - WEC-TYPO3
same all other applications

ONLY the site which wasn't a problem at all until yesterday now shows NO CSS - since JULIE posted her answer yesterday!

Something seems to be changed please ask JULIE WHAT as we don't know it! But this change seems to cause the loss of the CSS here.

Jan 14 - 07:16 GMT

What do you mean with this???

"I suggest you to please do check at your end after some time. ""

So you have done something we don't know and now you are trying to undo it again or what, that's why YOU need time?

We are still waiting for a SOLUTION and it is URGENT-
Are you seeing the CSS YES OR NO!!! As we don't get it here, but did get it yesterday and all days before JULIE has done some changes - BUT WHAT CHANGES!!!
We had to open a new post to get a faster answer again

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