Saturday, January 19, 2008


Again and again every year I am receiving those mails:
* Domain Expiration Alert *

The domain name ( is due to expire on 02/01/2008.

Please renew the domain at your earliest convenience to ensure the service continues uninterrupted. The domain might be subjected to suspension and cancellation if it is not renewed before the expiration date and we have no liability whatsoever with respect to any such cancellation.


To renew your domain name, you must open a billing ticket with your web hosting provider notifying them to renew your domain name.

Once they process your request, an invoice will be generated and you will be required to log into the billing system to pay (MC/Visa/AMEX/PayPal). Once your payment is processed, your domain name will be renewed within 24 hrs.

All domain renewals are priced at $15/yr.
Should you have any questions, please contact your web host.

I wrote them that the domain is lifetime - like they advertise on their IMHOSTED.COM website
Montessori IMCT
an domnotify

As explained already in previous mails it is YOUR duty to pay this renewal as you are advertising LIFETIME FREE domain name! I already paid my anual fee so please PAY the domain from that money and DON'T CHARGE again


2007/12/19, domnotify @ dnsprotect. com <>:

Instead of an answer I received this:

an montessori

* Domain Expiration Alert *

The domain name ( is due to expire on 02/01/2008.

Please renew the domain at your earliest convenience to ensure the service continues uninterrupted. The domain might be subjected to suspension and cancellation if it is not renewed before the expiration date and we have no liability whatsoever with respect to any such cancellation.


To renew your domain name, you must open a billing ticket with your web hosting provider notifying them to renew your domain name.

Once they process your request, an invoice will be generated and you will be required to log into the billing system to pay (MC/Visa/AMEX/PayPal). Once your payment is processed, your domain name will be renewed within 24 hrs.

All domain renewals are priced at $15/yr.
Should you have any questions, please contact your web host.

Pretty annoying from IMHOSTED.COM. But OK I wrote back - again like all the years before:
Montessori IMCT
an domnotify

Hi Imhosted

That is OUR LIFETIME domain at imhosted what you said it is lifetime.
Every year we are getting vthese stupid mails, so please renew this domain on your costs as it is lifetime INCLUDED!


2008/1/3, domnotify @ dnsprotect. com <>:
Again I received no answer, but also again I received another renewal notice from IMHOSTED.COM. As it is a manual process all this mailing - that's what they wrote finally, it seems that they really try to rip up stupid customers who are afraid and pay their 15$ fees. ATTENTION: They are paying a IMHOSTED.COM subcompany!!! Not the domain registration! In other words all money gets to even THEY need to pay all these fees!

Their answer No 3 for the 2008 renewal:
an montessori

* Domain Expiration Alert *

The domain name ( is due to expire on 02/01/2008.

Please renew the domain at your earliest convenience to ensure the service continues uninterrupted. The domain might be subjected to suspension and cancellation if it is not renewed before the expiration date and we have no liability whatsoever with respect to any such cancellation.


To renew your domain name, you must open a billing ticket with your web hosting provider notifying them to renew your domain name.

Once they process your request, an invoice will be generated and you will be required to log into the billing system to pay (MC/Visa/AMEX/PayPal). Once your payment is processed, your domain name will be renewed within 24 hrs.

All domain renewals are priced at $15/yr.
Should you have any questions, please contact your web host.

Again I wrote them back the same mail but this time thru many channels:
Wow - I received another answer:
an ab.becker
Hi Andreas,

What you received was an automatic notification from our registrar (which is sent to all customers when their domain names are due to expire). The charge mentioned in that mail is the normal domain registration/renewal charge that we charge our customers.

In your case, since you have a free domain as long as you continue hosting with us, we have renewed the domain "" for another one year (free of cost). Thank you.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any more questions.
Warm regards,
Rijo - Billing/Accounts
My answer came prompt:
an billing
This thing is pretty annoying Dijo as it is coming every year multiple times and I already wrote lots of mails before. Please simply insert another field into your database (lifetime free customerdomain payed by imhosted) and hook it up to the payment department. Then no annoying mails will be send anymore.

The way you are doing it is to get customers afraid in loosing their domain and then they pay even they don't have to - this is NOT good business practice at all!

Imhosted answered and called for customer actions:
an ab.becker
Hi Andi,

The problem is that domain renewal is a manual process. We handle domain renewals only if the customer contacts us for the same. So, when you receive this notification, please open a ticket to us and we will renew your domain name free of cost as long as you continue hosting with us. Thank you.

As you can read here it always needs action by the customers again and again. What about their promisses - LIFETIME DOMAIN - Actually no one takes care from about that. If you pay your 15$ - perhaps you even need to tell them that you paid to much money and hopefully you get it back, I don't think, they will pay this money back automatically


I actual opened two. d get again the same renewal notice ;-)

S I am actually absolutly right that you are trying to get MORE money from customers with your company practice in business. This isn't at all fair to customers and you really should change it. Especially if the renewal process is a manual process it is even much easier to change it as then you simply could direct all lifetime domains to you! And you do the rest without and necessary contact to any customer.

Am I right.


Read more about Hosting Practices at Apart a part of computer communication

Final Mail with good result:
an ab.becker
Hi ,

With regard to your query, the domain is registered untill the date 2009-02-01. Sorry if you have received the mail sent by our domain registrars. Please ignore such mails if you get by chance in the future. We provide the lifetime domain for free offer untill you cancel your hosting account with us and if you don't cancel the hosting account with us, we will be always renewing your domain as the free domain. Thanks.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any more questions as we are more than happy to help you.
Warm regards,
Smitha - Billing/Accounts.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Jan 17 - 14:45 GMT

Today we read the announcement that Servage Hosting offers now also German Support for its Members but it seems as it is only a Marketing Gag and a real Flop.

We simply asked the support in German and he mailed back in English and asked us to submit the problem in SIMPLE English Language. Very bad for our customers - lots of them who we had today in house and asked for it - as we now have to tell them that there isn't any German Support available at all and it seems like which was until last week redirected to is only a real big untrue and unhonest thing.

I am so sorry about that!

Submit this Part best to Steffan Fallesen and ask him if he is the only one capable to speak German at Servage Hosting.

Translation of the Header in simple English:
Servage Hosting German Customer Service/Support can't speak German!

Any comments:

Jan 17 - 15:02 GMT

What about your Ethics:
Gesetz und Ethik

Es ist unsere Politik geltende Gesetze und Regulierungen für unser Geschäft zu befolgen. Wir erwarten von unseren Angestellten, dass diese sich auf eine ethisch korrekte Art verhalten und stets fair, gründlich und verantwortungsvoll Ihre Aufgaben lösen.

Legal Compliance and Ethics

It is our policy to be in compliance with all laws and regulations applying to our business operations in each of the territories in which we operate. We expect our employees to conduct themselves in an ethical manner in all dealings on its behalf, and to be honest, fair and courteous in their work.
You write here about "TO BE HONEST":
Do you think it is honest to tell people wrong things thru your websites? Do you think it is OK to promote on the website a German Support but actually the Support isn't at all capable to answer in or read German?

We maid the test as you know - Asked you a very simple Question in German and you asked us to formulate the simple question in simple english ;-) I guess this is not very honest to deal like this with your customers.

OR? Really sad not to receive any answers now!

Klickt man auf
erhaelt man die Allgemeinen Geschaeftsbedingungen der Deutschen Firma Servage GmbH. Leider sind diese in Englisch abgefasst, wohl damit der Deutsche Servage Kundendienst sie auch versteht ;-)

Ebenso sieht es bei den Verhaltensregeln aus die ebenfalls in English praesentiert werden.

Jan 17 - 15:02 GMT
Servage - Scott

Hello Andreas,

I am sorry to say that the German support is still not available. It will be available in next few months.

Thank you! :)

Kind regards,
Scott, Support
Servage Hosting

Jan 17 - 15:22 GMT

You See Scott!

How can we promote Servage if we tell our customers about you and then we receive those answers. This is very very bad!

So please DEACTVATE the part which says DEUTSCHER KUNDENDIENST as it is against GERMAN LAW AND ORDER!!! if you don't have it available NOW - or simply add the thing you just wrote me. Add - will be available in a few months but we don't know in how many months ;-)
Steffan Fallesen can translate it into German.

I really recommend Servage to change their Service Partner to a much more reliable one. For us Customer Support is NO1 and not something we make jokes of like your German Customer Service.

Lets check I guess some very angry customers will monitor the appearance of the text "Deutscher Kundenservice" before ther is really a German Support at Servage Hosting.

Deutscher Kundenservice - Freundlicher Support auf Deutsch

Jan 17 - 14:15 GMT

Hallo Servage
wie wir gerade von unseren Freunden erfahren haben gibt es nun endlich doch auch einen Support auf Deutsch. Wir koennen das noch garnicht glauben und fragen deshalb einmal nach.

Also unter - Technische Daten - steht eben dieses:
"Deutscher Kundenservice - Freundlicher Support auf Deutsch"

Ich hoffe dass wir unsere Anfrage von numehr nicht mehr in Englisch machen muessen. Danke!

Jan 17 - 14:18 GMT
Servage - Peter

Hello Andreas,

Thank you for submitting the ticket.

Please elaborate the issue in simple english language so that we will be able to assist you in better way.

Thank you for understanding.

Kind regards,
Peter, Servage - Support
Servage Hosting

Jan 17 - 14:36 GMT

Hmm Keine Antwort auf Deutsch
also doch nur wieder ein Flop

Read more about the German Support from Servage Hosting which doesn't know any German and can only respond in very simple English here:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Paths on Servage Hosting

Jan 15 - 09:09 GMT

Hi I would like to know if the following paths are OK:
bin directory =/usr/bin/
ImageMagick composte,identify,..=/usr/local/bin/
ImageMagick convert=/usr/local/bin/
curl ??
ruby ??
rails ??


Jan 15 - 09:13 GMT
Servage - Nick

Hello Andreas,

We do support ImageMagick, the path is:


Here are paths for other ImageMagick binaries:


Curl Path: /usr/bin/curl
Ruby Path: /usr/bin/ruby Version: ruby 1.8.6

Have a nice day :o)

Kind regards,
Nick, Support
Servage Hosting

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Unzip not working

Jan 15 - 05:16 GMT

I tried to unzip this file
in Current path: /1_redmine/vendor/plugins
but it is not possible
Please Check and make it possible

Jan 15 - 05:19 GMT

Hello Andreas,

Thank you for submitting the ticket.

I have unzipped the file can you please check and update us.

Kind regards,
Josh, Support
Servage Hosting

Jan 15 - 05:23 GMT

Not showing up - check the owner

Jan 15 - 06:03 GMT

It is still not showing up the files you have unziped and I still can't unzip either.
We are waiting again since long time for this simple task!
Please when you do a job, then please do it perfectly so that the customer can access his files ;-)

Jan 15 - 06:31 GMT

No Help since over 1 hour and still no chance to unzip our files on the server. This is absolutly NO Service at Servage Hosting
The thread gets closed as we need it for other stuff.
The problem is still OPEN which means you should solve the problem, that it is not possible to unpack your zip files on Servage Hosting immediately even this thread had to be closed!
You can read more about Servage and it Support Crew in our Blog.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Jan 14 - 16:01 GMT

This might be even a huge security issue as at Servage Hosting Sites read data from "nonexisting" databases. Nonexisting as those databases aren't mentioned in database.yml.

Case as an example:
Customer A deletes a database from database.yml - normally then no content from this database will show up. At Servage Hosting it is just the opposite. If you delete the database Entry from database.yml of your ruby application then the complete data still is readable - even it is actually no more existing.

It seems that Servage Hosting has a BIG PROBLEM with their Cluster Technology and Caching of Customer Pages. Since Hours 2 Sites are showing WRONG CONTENT and the Support is even not answering to this major problem.

Jan 14 - 16:04 GMT

It is still the same sites and

Both should show the same content!!!! at the moment as both are connected to the same database but BOTH show contentfrom a database which isn't existing anymore since HOURS.


Jan 14 - 13:24 GMT

Koennten Sie uns bitte ihren Gerichtsstand mitteilen
Sowie ihre Verantwortlichen

Jan 14 - 13:29 GMT
Servage - Nick

Hello Andreas,

Please provide us your query in english.
Thank you.

Kind regards,
Nick, Support
Servage Hosting

Jan 14 - 13:35 GMT

Sie verstehen sehr gut DEUTSCH Bitte leiten Sie die gesamte Angelegenheit UNVERZUEGLICH weiter an Steffan Fallesen

Jan 14 - 13:39 GMT

Sie sind eine DEUTSCH FIRMA, sind in Deutschland ansaessig also koennen Sie auch DEUTSCH sehr gut verstehen, bzw. finden jemand - z.B. Steffan Fallesen, der DEUTSCH kann.

Sie haben nun schon den ganzen Tag mit absolutem NICHTSTUN geglaenzt und wir verzeichnen dadurch Verluste. Bis gestern ging unsere Seite einwandfrei und seitdem JULIE gestern an ihr rumgemacht hat geht sie NICHT mehr.

Wir haben versucht unser DEMO das noch einwandfrei arbeitet mit der LIVE Datenbank zu verbinden, doch s wird seit Stunden nur die DEMO Datenbank angezeigt, die ueberhaupt nicht mehr in database.yml drinnensteht.

Durch IHR nichtstun sind uns erhebliche Schaeden entstanden die wir so nicht stehen lassen koennen.

Jan 14 - 13:43 GMT
Even Phonecalls won't get answered

Jan 14 - 14:36 GMT

According to Steffan Fallesen, founder of Servage, in an interview with Ipwalk, ''Most new customers are gained via customer referrals and we are very proud of this. We do not want to be a high profile company. Instead we focus on bringing the customer the best possible service at a good rate.''

HA - HA - HA - I guess meanwhile nobody who ever dealt with your terrible support will agree on this!

This strange statement was found here:

Jan 14 - 14:37 GMT
Support - Mark

Hello Andreas,

Please elaborate your issue clearly in a simple english language. in order to further investigate and assist you in a better way.

Kind regards,
Mark, Servage - Support
Servage Hosting

Jan 14 - 15:27 GMT

Hi Mark

We have done this the whole day and our lawyers are meanwhile preparing their stuff as YOU are constantly destroying our good work due to your NONRESPONDING mentality. You are a GERMAN COMPANY, German Courts will be getting this issues as we are waiting since 24 Hours for help for a problem one of your Support Members - JULIE - has caused and only received stupid answers.

We have very valuable customers like **** who weren't able to work today with Redmine which draw us back a complete day!!!

This is only one customer as an example. There are also other SERVAGE Customers with HUGE SITES and **** which couldn't work either.

So please send us Address of Company, Responsible Person, Handelsregistereintrag No - Company Registration Number, Court which is responsible for lawsuits (all German Companies which are registered have it)

We tried to contact you via phone and no response
We marked the complete issues as URGENT but you didn't answer the issues
You are a GERMAN Company and therefore GERMAN will be the MAIN LANGUAGE.

If you don't believe for who we are working check the database which didn't get loaded into I guess then you know it better ;-)

I check back in 15 Minutes and I hope I will see the ALL Answers to ALL my questions

Jan 14 - 15:31 GMT

What you have the whole day is a MAJOR Caching Problem in your clusters!

Jan 14 - 15:50 GMT

It seems like you still have no idea about your server Problems at Servage Hosting.

Even Redmine in and the Redmine in have since HOURS a NEW Database assigned and the one still showing up in on those domains is still the old and empty one.

Don't you get it?

Jan 14 - 15:53 GMT

We close this post as nobody is answering
We needed to open up a new ticket as servage wasn't answering at all to the matter


Jan 14 - 12:46 GMT

U R G E N T --- U R G E N T --- U R G E N T

We can't delete SYMLINKS!!! We already told you that multiple times in December - NOW IT IS URGENT VERY URGENT as you sytem is deleting the FILE behind a symlink instead of deleting the symlink itself.

Try to get better qualified personal! The one you have only causes problems.

dispatch.fcgi-servage [edit] You -rwxr-xr-x
Current path: /1_redmine/public

111typo3_src SysAdmin u---------
Current path: /www/TYPO3_wec

Jan 14 - 12:56 GMT


Even here:
it is still showing the demo database instead the database from our LIVE Version. We changed it long ago to that already!!!

Jan 14 - 13:10 GMT

Still Waiting
meanwhile 75 Servage Posts on
best inform Steffan about your mess here

Jan 14 - 13:14 GMT

if you need his contact info have a look here:

Jan 14 - 13:26 GMT
Still showing the WRONG DATABASE!!!

Jan 14 - 13:31 GMT

Wo ist ihre Firma eingetragen, in welchem Handelsregister.
Keine Antwort von Servage Hosting seit Stunden. Auch eine Telefonische Afrage blieb unbeantwortet. Existiert diese Firma ueberhaupt??? Wo ist sie eingetragen?

Jan 14 - 13:50 GMT

NOW this database should show up here:
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
database: ****t3li****
host: mysql****2.s****
username: ****
password: ****

BUT STILL this shows up:
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
database: ****t3p****
host: mysql***5.s****
username: ****
password: ****


Jan 14 - 14:29 GMT

It is again 30 Minutes without answer

Jan 14 - 15:12 GMT
Servage - Julie

Forwarding support ticket to [Servage - Jan]

Jan 14 - 15:16 GMT

Meanwhile we rebuild the complete site

it is a copy from the working

In BOTH sites the same content should show up but still only the demo Content - nothing - is visible instead of all CUSTOMER Projects

Jan 14 - 16:21 GMT

FAKT NOW is somebody of your staff has truncated our DATABASE!!! about 2 month hard work.
And it was still there this morning but now it is gone! We have an Empty Database now.
I have no idea what you are doing but one thing seems to be very very sure, that the SERVAGE SUPPORT has no qualification to do such a job at all as SERVAGE HOSTING SUPPORT is destroying Customers Databases!

Jan 14 - 16:33 GMT
Servage - Jan

Hello Andreas,

thanks for your ticket,
I am very sorry for all the issues occured to you,
I have removed the Symlink for you and will report the issue to our dev. Team so they can fix the Symlink removal issue.
which database has been truncated ?
the one on mysql1**5 or mysql***5 ?

Kind regards,
Jan, System Administrator
Servage Hosting

Jan 14 - 16:37 GMT

Database: ****t3li****
Server: mysql1****

This one is empty and before it ws holding the complete project data of awhole lot of Projects like ****, ****, **** and more

Jan 14 - 16:50 GMT

Hi Jan

This here is some kind of Backup:
Server: mysql1****
Database: ****
Username: ****

ATTENTION this Data is all in latin1_swedish_ci!!! while the Original was all in utf8_unicode_ci

As we have Thai People from UNESCO working with us on the projects.

You can replay
Server: mysql2****
Database: ****

but you would need to convert all data to utf8 before importing into
Server: mysql1****
Database: ****

Otherwise some characters won't show up correctly.

Best to do is to convert all data from
Server: mysql1****
Database: ****
to binaries first, then convert them with iconv and editing the charset and collation settings of each table and field where a charset latin1 or collation latin1_swedish_ci is mentioned

all charsets need to be utf8 and all collations need to be utf8_unicode_ci

The database
Server: mysql2****
Database: ****

is already set to completly utf8

Jan 14 - 16:58 GMT
Servage - Jan

Hello Andreas,

thanks for your reply,
I have just tried to find out wehat happended to your database "****" but was unable to find any hints.
It might be that a Mysql server Bug has caused this so I have just added one month of free hosting to your account as a compensation.
Additionally Im trying to copy the data from **** to ****.

Im going to update you when its done.

Kind regards,
Jan, System Administrator
Servage Hosting

Jan 14 - 17:34 GMT
Servage - Jan

Hello Andreas,

I have just converted and imported the database.
Could you please verify if the content does have the right charset now as I did not find any non-ASCII char by scrooling the dump Quickly through I could use to see if the conversion succeded. And notify me if something went wrong.

Kind regards,
Jan, System Administrator
Servage Hosting

Jan 14 - 17:40 GMT

Thanks Jan
The Database is Back and seems to work fine.
I need to ask my staff tomorrow where they entered i.e. Thai Characters or Chinese as I don't know either. But as if you haven't sen anything while scrolling probably there are none right now - what would be fine ;-)
Thank You very much for your help!
I hope this doesn't happen again!


Site not loading completly CSS is missing

Jan 14 - 08:05 GMT

U R G E N T --- U R G E N T --- U R G E N T
since this morning this site is loading WITHOUT CSS!!!
JULIE one of your "Support" Members has done something yesterday here and we can't figure out what.

I want an ANSWER IMMEDIATELY as we are already waiting since this morning for the answer even if YOU can see the site INCLUDING the CSS.

If not get the site running again with CSS get back to JULIE who has produced the mass on our site!!!

We wait another 30 Minutes and then site should be fine again INCLUDING CSS!!! This is YOUR JOB NOW as you have damaged it!

Jan 14 - 08:07 GMT

Only for information. We are working on this site with UNESCO and develop Projects. If you don't speed up your support to get this site back to normal we will speed up our supporting lawyers! We are loosing money each minute this site is looking like this!

Jan 14 - 09:36 GMT
Servage - Nick

Hello Andreas,
Forwarding support ticket to [Servage - Julie]

Kind regards,
Nick, Support
Servage Hosting

Jan 14 - 09:41 GMT
Servage - Julie

Hello Andreas,

May I know if you made any changes to your website contents? As I have not made any changes from our end , I explained only why your website was returning this error.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Julie, Support Team Member
Servage Hosting

Jan 14 - 10:46 GMT

No we did not make ANY Changes at all after you moved it to the new server and it was working perfectly since yesterday

Jan 14 - 10:52 GMT

You can even Check here with the empty dummy:
here you got this error what is VERY USUAL
(by the way it is an errormessage from TYPO3 as is a typo3 page ;-)
here the site shows up like it should be including CSS
You get the error like above but as there is no typo3 for the message looks different
Here the site shows up WITHOUT CSS!

Jan 14 - 12:18 GMT


No Answer now for about 4 hours

Jan 14 - 13:02 GMT

Still No Answer

CSS won't get loaded anymore! What have YOU done???

Jan 14 - 05:47 GMT


We need this fixed immediately. Until Yesterday the site worked pretty fine, but today the CSS won't get loaded again.
Please Check! We need this FIXED NOW!!!


Problem URL:

Jan 14 - 05:58 GMT
Servage - Peter

Hello Andreas,

Thank you for the reply.

This is to inform you that the domain is appearing to be working fine.

I suggest you to please do check at your end after some time.

Thank you for understanding.

Kind regards,
Peter, Servage - Support
Servage Hosting

Jan 14 - 06:35 GMT

Hi Peter

do you see the page WITH CSS as we don't get any CSS file here!!! How can this be? Yesterday it worked perfectly and very very fast. Today it takes about 1 min to load 1 page without CSS from Redmine. is working fast and fine with CSS - typo3 is working fast and fine with CSS - vTiger is working fast and fine with CSS - redmine is working fine with CSS - WEC-TYPO3
same all other applications

ONLY the site which wasn't a problem at all until yesterday now shows NO CSS - since JULIE posted her answer yesterday!

Something seems to be changed please ask JULIE WHAT as we don't know it! But this change seems to cause the loss of the CSS here.

Jan 14 - 07:16 GMT

What do you mean with this???

"I suggest you to please do check at your end after some time. ""

So you have done something we don't know and now you are trying to undo it again or what, that's why YOU need time?

We are still waiting for a SOLUTION and it is URGENT-
Are you seeing the CSS YES OR NO!!! As we don't get it here, but did get it yesterday and all days before JULIE has done some changes - BUT WHAT CHANGES!!!
We had to open a new post to get a faster answer again

Sunday, January 13, 2008


We just received this in a Mail from Adam (Servage Hosting):

Jan 13 - 09:08 GMT
Servage - Adam

Hello Andreas,

Thanks for the update.

Unfortunately we have to inform you that the reseller program is to be discontinued. Therefore we ask you not to create new customer accounts.

At this point we do not have any further information. Therefore we must kindly ask you to have a little more patience until an official statement has been released.

You will be informed per email as soon as more detailed information is available.


Have a nice day,

Kind regards,
Adam, Support -support
Servage Hosting

In other words it seems lots and lots of Servage Customers and also all SUB-Customers seem to loose their Hosting Space or would need to pay extra for it.

Jan 13 - 09:33 GMT

As you don't ask the question about the lost domains and about the outsourced Servage Support Team we assume that the people who posted it were absolutly right. I am sorry about that and hoped that you would answer all questions.

If you discontinue the reseller program which made it possible for Servage Customers to Resell their Account to unlimited other Customers - what will happen to all those customers.
Do they have to pay now an own Servage Account?
Will you delete all Sub-Customer Sites?
How will you control what is a Sub-Customer and what is a Customer Site?
I know lots and lots of Servage Customers who host lots and lots of Sub-Customers on their sites, so what will happen to all those? A very important question.
Customers are even asking us which customer we could recommend for Reselling as many of them don't need such big webspace for themselves, they are trying to share it with others to reduce costs? Also your Reseller Program was a very unique feature which brought you lots customers in the last years.
Will then all contracts be changed without further notice or are only NEW contracts have to fear this loss of Reseller Program and all old ones stay like they were before.


Some more Questions concerning Servage Hosting

Jan 13 - 02:37 GMT

There are some more questions we would like to ask Servage:
From which country is your Support opperating?
Why aren't you offering GERMAN / DEUTSCHER Support even you are a German Company?
Why differ the response time between new and follow up ticket so much?
Why is Servage working in most of the issues with prepared answering templates?
It often seems that the english knowlegde of servage support isn't so good that they really understand the issues of customers, why, what are you doing to improve this - i.e. ESL Courses?
What qualifications does Servage Support Members have?

We are evaluating future hosting partners and companies we are interested in to promote. In the last month you changed from a more or less chaos support to a much better one, but still there are a lot of glitches we wanna fix before recommending you our valuable customers globally with a good feeling.

Thanks a lot for your answers.

Jan 13 - 03:10 GMT
Servage - Adam

Hello Andreas,

Thanks for writing in.

>>Our clustered servers are physically located in our own top datacenter in norhtern Germany with more than 120 direct peering including (WorldCom, Level3 & GlobalCrossing), ensuring ultra fast connectivity to any country – world wide.

Apart from the excellent electronic infrastructure Germany is a seismic inactive area. Unlike many smaller companies we own all our equipment and our own techs are standing by 24/7 incase a problem should arise.

>>We do have support in English only as it is globally understood.

>>It seems that many of our clients do place duplicate tickets regarding the same issue that is the reason there is a delay in response time for the ticket's.

>>We have a standard format for the replie's we give to our customer's, so it seems that the answers are prepared but the are not, just that they are in a specific format.

Please contact us if you have any further queries.

Have a nice day :o)

Kind regards,
Adam, Support -support
Servage Hosting

Jan 13 - 08:08 GMT

Hi Adam

Thanks for your response. Could you please also answer the rest of the questions. Thanks. We heard that your support is operating from an easter Europe country like many other software centers do meanwhile. OK some of them also operate from India where English is much better then from eastern Europe. Never mind.

Why doesn't Servage offer Third Party Application support. Most problems arising are normally caused while working with a third Party product. Is there any reason why you never tried to offer i.e. support for CMS's or Forums or other common applications?

Thanks for taking time to answer our questions

Jan 13 - 08:13 GMT
Servage - Adam

Hello Andreas,

Thanks for the update.

We do support third party software on our server's but only if the server requirement's of the software meet our server's, if the server's requirements matches with our then you can install third part software at your end.

Please contact us if you have any further queries.

Kind regards,
Adam, Support -support
Servage Hosting

Jan 13 - 08:21 GMT

Hi Adam

Yes of course you support Third Party Software but I meant the Servage Support won't help you if you got problems with a Third Party Product, even it has been installed direct using a Servage Script.

i.e. You install TYPO3 or Drupal or Wordpress or even Joomla and usually problems just occure while you are working with those applications. After answering Servage Support you often got the answer back, that Servage is not supporting Third Party Products thru their Support.

Result: People - especially those who ae just starting to run their own CMS ... get lost in a jungle of - Oh sorry - please look somewhere else for somebody to help you. Why is it like this a Servage and why aren't you simply providing also Help-Support for those wonderful Applications? I guess a lot of customers would be very interested at such a Service and even would pay for it an additional yearly "support member" fee i.e. 20€ for free support/year to name an idea! If this would not be enough to cover your expenses please name another figure so we have an idea about it.


Jan 13 - 08:25 GMT
Servage - Adam

Hello Andreas,

Thanks for the update.

We do provide support with third party application's but there are any scripting issues with it then we unfortunately do not provide support for scripting issues for that you need to contact your webdeveloper or who has developed the software.

Please contact us if you have any further queries.

Kind regards,
Adam, Support -support
Servage Hosting
Jan 13 - 09:04 GMT
Hi Adam

Yes of course you support Third Party Software but I meant the Servage Support won't help you if you got problems with a Third Party Product, even it has been installed direct using a Servage Script.

i.e. You install TYPO3 or Drupal or Wordpress or even Joomla and usually problems just occure while you are working with those applications. After answering Servage Support you often got the answer back, that Servage is not supporting Third Party Products thru their Support.

Result: People - especially those who ae just starting to run their own CMS ... get lost in a jungle of - Oh sorry - please look somewhere else for somebody to help you. Why is it like this a Servage and why aren't you simply providing also Help-Support for those wonderful Applications? I guess a lot of customers would be very interested at such a Service and even would pay for it an additional yearly "support member" fee i.e. 20€ for free support/year to name an idea! If this would not be enough to cover your expenses please name another figure so we have an idea about it.

Another Point we just found:

Why did Servage loose over 1200 Domains last year December 10th - what happened - can this happen again???
December 17, 2007 70453 domains + 443 domains
December 10, 2007 70010 domains -1265 domains
Why do people write:
It is a great service, but I do warn you. People(I know several) have be disappointed by the host and I am 1 of those!
see also here to read more about Servage:
Is this really true what they are writing here. Really doesn't sound good for Servage! What have you changed since?

Second Question:
we found this:
What is actually a Servage Netagent? Is it a Reseller. Are you allowed to resell Servage Space on your Accounts or how does it work?

As it seems, you are increasing your staff at the moment:
Will this result also in better support and even better hosting solutions like clustered-dedicated-server environments including ssh and more?


Jan 13 - 09:08 GMT
Servage - Adam

Hello Andreas,

Thanks for the update.

Unfortunately we have to inform you that the reseller program is to be discontinued. Therefore we ask you not to create new customer accounts.

At this point we do not have any further information. Therefore we must kindly ask you to have a little more patience until an official statement has been released.

You will be informed per email as soon as more detailed information is available.

We do not allow Telnet/SSH access to our systems for security reasons. However our techs will be more than happy execute commands for you on request.

Have a nice day,

Kind regards,
Adam, Support -support
Servage Hosting

How to speed up your Servage Hosting Tickets

Looking back to those many posts there is a good solution: CLOSE your Tickets and create the same one NEW!

We really found out that Servage is responding to new tickets in average about 5 min-1 hour - but even a second response often makes you waiting for days. I guess it is some kind of Servage policy but also could be a real problem in the ticketing system they are using.

New Tickets get posted perhaps on Top and Followup tickets just behind those new tickets. As a result you won't get an answer fast if you have a follow up ticket.

Another problem could be, that the support might get paid by NEW tickets. Especially hotlines in low budget countries often face similar problems. The idea behind all this is to get a higher quality and faster solution for customers. The downside is - especially if a hotline hasn't got enough personal and is working like Servage only with VIRTUAL personal (i.e. many names for one person ;-), then follow ups get stuck in nowhere.

There are some more questions we will ask Servage:
From which country is your Support opperating?
Why aren't you offering GERMAN / DEUTSCHER Support even you are a German Company?
Why differ the response time between new and follow up ticket so much?
Why is Servage working in most of the issues with prepared answering templates?
It often seems that the english knowlegde of servage support isn't so good that they really understand the issues of customers, why, what are you doing to improve this - i.e. ESL Courses?
What qualifications does Servage Support Members have?

We are just checking this with several other servage accounts and find a good parallel here. In the following days we will try to find a solution for this problem and hopefully Servage is interested to be the best Hoster and supports our ideas.


Even I complaint at the beginning much about Servage Hosting, it seems as they have read some posts in this blog and changed their support a bit. As you can obviously see, there weren't many issues since they installed ruby gems - which was actually causing most of the problems.

Since 2 days I am now running on newest versions of RUBY 1.8.6, Rails 2.0.2 and everything works fine and fast. They have changed me to another cluster. Only one application doesn't seem to be working - it's a simple hello world application a friend who also hosts on the same cluster ;-) has written. We are still waiting for a solution from servage. Let's see! and wait!

Ruby on Rails Application don't starts

Jan 12 - 17:47 GMT

Hi is a simple helloworld test page but it doesn't start after the move. Any ideas?

It is in folder


Jan 12 - 18:30 GMT
Servage - Julie

Hello Andreas,

Thanks for submitting the ticket. I could not find any error at May I know what exactly the issue is at the test page? Kindly explain little more.

Thank you :)

Kind regards,
Julie, Support Team Member
Servage Hosting

Jan 13 - 02:04 GMT

Of course is not the starting directory for a ruby installation. The starting directory of a ruby ionstallation is always "public"

So if you go to: you will see an application error while the same application is running on our local system and meanwhile even uses same settings like, http://www.t3log.inf, which are all running fine.

Any idea?


Jan 13 - 22:45 GMT
Servage - Julie

Hello Andreas,

The public folder is with in the website the document root is set as 1_redmine/public/

The error what is showing is no route found to match "/public" with {:method=>:get}

so obviously its not available when you separately typing

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Julie, Support Team Member
Servage Hosting

Jan 14 - 05:25 GMT


Please check immediately.

Jan 14 - 05:26 GMT

It is also so slow, that you could drink 1 cup coffee until a new page gets loaded!!!
Post hasn't been answered at all in a certain amount of time so we closed the ticket and create a new issue

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ruby 1.8.6 - 26 Final Realease - Rails 2.0.2 at Servage Hosting

Jan 11 - 09:21 GMT

Hi Servage - when will you update to the newest Versions? as we heard from other Servage's that you already updated some accounts to 1.8.6-26 and 2.0.2
Thanks a lot

Jan 11 - 09:23 GMT
Servage - Scott

Hello Andreas,

Thank you for submitting a ticket. We can offer to move your account to our newest cluster if you would like that. If yes, kindly advice us by updating this ticket.

Please note your web site may be inaccessable up to 24 hours after the move. Please confirm that you want your account moved. We are looking forward hearing from you :o)

Kind regards,
Scott, Support
Servage Hosting

Jan 11 - 09:44 GMT

Hi Scott


Please move the account I have finished what I needed to do for the next 24 hours (hopefully it does not take longer - and also hopefully it is a FAST cluster too!) I am running:
ruby on rails:
... more to follow

typo3 (needs image Magick , php5, mysql5 all newest versions! as we are preparing for the big move to TYPO3 4.2)
... more to follow

Thanks a lot


Jan 11 - 10:03 GMT
Servage - Scott

Hello Andreas,

Your account is currently being moved to a new cluster. Unfortunately your account may be offline for up to 24 hours as the DNS need to propagate throughout the Internet.

We will automatically make the required DNS changes on our name servers. Should you for some reason not use our DNS or use static paths in your scripts these are the new settings:

IP: 77......
Homedir: /home84a/sub002/.....

I hope this resolved your problems.

Kind regards,
Scott, Support
Servage Hosting

Monday, January 7, 2008


Jan 07 - 09:34 GMT


is again very very slow and customers are complaining that they are getting Internal Errors and Application not found even in Germany. Please change your settings so that it is running fast again.

General also phpmyadmin loaded very very slow. from Thailand or from Germany - in other words it doesn't matter where you are so it is a problem in your servers again

Problem URL:

Jan 07 - 09:36 GMT
Support - John

Hello Andreas,

I have checked and found that the site is loading reasonably fine. If you still having the same problem then please let us know the DB used in the site so that we can review it further.

Kind regards,
John, Servage - Support
Servage Hosting

Jan 07 - 10:11 GMT

Still the same problems

Server: mysql10...
Database: rmt3...
Username: rmt3...

Thats the redmine Database

Jan 07 - 10:19 GMT
Support - John

Hello Andreas,

I have recycled the DB and now your site is loading fine. I have checked it from different location and found to be fine.

Kind regards,
John, Servage - Support
Servage Hosting

Ruby on Rails - very very very very SLOOOOW

Jan 07 - 00:54 GMT

Ruby on Rails Applications start very very sssllllooowww and sometimes the simply give Application error, or Internal Error 500. We have nothing changed on our Application, so it is an issue somewhere else as it was working perfectly before.

Other Applications like TYPO3, Lifetype start faster but also much slower than before.

Could you please check

Jan 07 - 00:54 GMT


Jan 07 - 01:37 GMT
Servage - Adam

Hello Andreas,

Thanks for the update.

We have checked your issue and have made some necessary corrective chnages on your account and it seems that your websites are working just fine now.

Kindly check and confirm the same and update us if you have any further queries.

Kind regards,
Adam, Support -support
Servage Hosting

Jan 07 - 08:24 GMT


is again very very slow and customers are complaining that they are getting Internal Errors and Application not found even in Germany. Please change your settings so that it is running fast again.

General also phpmyadmin loaded very very slow. from Thailand or from Germany - in other words it doesn't matter where you are so it is a problem in your servers again