(10:20:54) 254229402 Hi Ashley
(10:21:08) 254229402 You have a nice and very good looking filemanager now
(10:21:13) 254229402 really I like it
(10:21:13) 300772025 hi ,How can I help you ?
(10:21:17) 254229402 BUT
(10:21:34) 254229402 I can't get to our complete sites as they are all in folder "0"
(10:21:43) 254229402 and this folder don't get displayed
(10:21:48) 254229402 I can call the site
(10:21:55) 254229402 http://ourdomain.com
(10:22:29) 254229402 so the site is working but when I try to open the folder in the filemanager (i tried both) then even the "0" don't appear
(10:22:54) 254229402 If I click on the folder which gets displayed but without a name - than it says noe records
(10:23:02) 254229402 any ideas :-)
(10:23:14) 254229402 Would be nice if I could get to my files now
(10:23:32) 254229402 I I rename the folder than all symlinks are broken
(10:23:41) 254229402 and all sites are down
(10:24:13) 300772025 ok let me check
(10:24:20) 254229402 so I could rename the folders in a SECOND step after I changed the symlinks - so in a first step I should be able to access the folders
(10:24:22) 254229402 THX
(10:24:36) 300772025 please give your cpanel logins
(10:24:41) 254229402 ourdomain
(10:24:43) 254229402 ourdomain.com
(10:24:47) 254229402 ourpassword
(10:25:12) 254229402 it is the folder underneath .smileys in publi_html
(10:25:22) 254229402 I can see it in ftp filezilla
(10:34:06) 254229402 Now just this moment there is another problem
(10:34:08) 254229402 Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /typo3conf/ext/templavoila/cm1/index.php on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
(10:34:22) 254229402 Until just a minute ago I was able to access these folders
(10:34:31) 254229402 ???
(10:35:32) 254229402 Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /typo3/ on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
(10:36:04) 254229402 OUR sites are completly gone now
(10:36:05) 254229402 Forbidden
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
(10:36:12) 254229402 customer just rang too
(10:36:27) 254229402 as we develop his site
(10:36:43) 254229402 and he is filling in content and blub everything was gone
(10:37:43) 254229402 http://www.customer.com/
(10:37:46) 254229402 same problem
(10:37:53) 254229402 is also in folder "0"
(10:38:04) 254229402 Forbidden error!
(10:41:16) 300772025 we are working on the issue,Please wait
(10:41:28) 254229402 ok I already informed th customer
(10:41:37) 254229402 we just started working here sorry
(10:56:48) 300772025 please post a ticket regarding the issue .We will be replying through it
(10:57:23) 254229402 ok but we need to work on our site today
(10:57:35) 254229402 its already 11am here
(11:03:14) 254229402 ycket send
(11:03:55) 254229402 could you please put the sites again online
(11:04:07) 254229402 ourdomain.com and customer.com
(11:04:22) 254229402 so that we can work on these sites from the TYPO3 Backend thanks
(11:04:36) 254229402 as the sites itselve were working fine before
(11:04:53) 254229402 we only weren't able toaccess our files thru your foilemanager
(11:05:04) 254229402 so the filemaneger is the problem and not our sites
(11:05:41) 254229402 actually the symlink structure in all of these sites is a bit complicated so please don't change something there before consulting us
(11:06:01) 254229402 but please bring back our sites
(11:06:12) 254229402 before lunch here what is in about 1 hour
(11:54:05) 254229402 Lunchtime
(11:54:14) 254229402 what is with our site???
(16:13:17) 254229402 Site is still gone
(16:13:18) 254229402 Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /typo3 on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
(16:13:29) 254229402 cleared already browser cache
(16:14:11) 254229402 customer.com same problem
(16:14:32) 254229402 I guess you deleted one of the symlinks and now we really have a HUGE Problem
(16:14:54) 254229402 The site is down now for more then 12 Hours
(16:15:08) 254229402 I have to pay for every hour the site is down
(16:15:15) 254229402 if we can't finish
(16:15:21) 254229402 I need my sites BACK
(16:15:38) 254229402 immediately
(16:24:21) 254229402 HI IS THERE ANY BODY!!!
(16:25:24) 254229402 The folder "0 " still shows not our sites
(16:25:32) 254229402 actually NOTHING has changed
(16:25:56) 254229402 it is still like it was beside NOW after you did something we even have no sites anymore?
(16:26:18) 254229402 Please check who was working under the name ASHLEY this morning and let us know
(16:26:32) 254229402 we will forward the payment requests to him than
(16:26:37) 254229402 no joke
(16:26:54) 254229402 our sites were running until this unqualified person massed it up
(16:27:17) 254229402 The only problem we had was your fileexplorer which still don't displays folders starting with "0"
(16:30:59) 254229402 we can't correct anything as we can't access the "0" folders
(16:31:14) 254229402 Come on and get the whole stuff working
(16:31:17) 300772025 heloo
(16:31:20) 254229402 and PLESASE respond
(16:31:28) 254229402 we are down now since 5 hours
(16:31:35) 300772025 please give your ticket id
(16:31:36) 254229402 because of your technician
(16:31:52) 254229402 imh #HLY-16003-625
(16:32:13) 254229402 He has deleted the SYMLINK for the ourdomain.com site
(16:32:21) 300772025 the techs have worked through the ticket
(16:32:22) 254229402 I told very clear NOT to do this
(16:32:29) 254229402 hahaha
(16:32:44) 254229402 no result actually the result is we have no site
(16:32:46) 254229402 check
(16:32:48) 254229402 ourdomain.com
(16:32:54) 254229402 customer.com
(16:33:09) 254229402 you have to restore the complete symlink structure like it was before
(16:33:18) 254229402 it took us weeks to build this up
(16:33:23) 254229402 the logig
(16:34:07) 300772025 please give the ticket id so that we can look int othe issue
(16:34:10) 254229402 If I as a customer tell you that a Folder name isn't showing up and the folder itself is NOT accessible from your cpanel stuff than IT IS NOT OUR SITE
(16:34:17) 254229402 it is your cpanelk!!!
(16:34:43) 254229402 so you the hell told this idiot to delete the symlinks???
I have alreadsy given you the idea
(16:34:49) 254229402 don't you read the chat
(16:35:04) 254229402 imh #HLY-16003-625
(16:35:34) 254229402 the customer phoned me already every hour as he has to add content and we have to finish his site too\
(16:35:54) 254229402 but we can't access the site like it was possible BEFORE you did something
(16:36:50) 254229402 If you go to a car machanic and tell him that the breaks are not working you also dont start and tell hime look now it is workiong - of course he now won't need any breaks anymore as you demontated his wheels
(16:36:52) 254229402 hahahaha
(16:37:24) 254229402 Please try to get some professionals here and get those sites actually all in the 0 folder as all are down
(16:37:27) 254229402 running again
(16:37:51) 254229402 The problem is a symlink was dleted I guess. as your technician has created a html file
(16:38:03) 254229402 he has NO idea about srevers at all
(16:38:18) 254229402 the ourdomain.com folder was a symlink
(16:38:31) 254229402 and also most of those other folders
(16:39:04) 254229402 this is necessary as our TYPO3 site reside in a subsubdirectory .
(16:39:26) 254229402 This was necessary as we as customers have no chance at Imhosted to change user/group permissions
(16:40:10) 254229402 so we have taken since 2 years already all our sites into the "0" folder and every month your technicians run the cronjob to change the user/group permission. This worked perfect.
(16:40:29) 254229402 now nothing is working again and we have already lost over 5 hours.
(16:40:42) 254229402 charge 1h = 80$
(16:40:52) 254229402 so you can refund it to our account
(16:41:00) 254229402 or give us free update
(16:41:08) 254229402 in same amount of money
(16:41:11) 300772025 Sites in folder 0 not resolving and down now ....?
(16:41:20) 254229402 YEAH
(16:41:23) 300772025 I think the issue is solved .
(16:41:25) 254229402 all of them\
(16:41:31) 254229402 try by yourself
(16:41:36) 254229402 try ourdomain.com
(16:41:40) 254229402 what do you see
(16:41:49) 254229402 and html. page saying Hello
(16:41:55) 254229402 stupid trick
(16:42:16) 254229402 check where this file is and you will see that the ourdomain.com folder is no more a symlink
(16:42:26) 254229402 and exactly here starts the problem
(16:42:43) 254229402 the one responsible for all this mass has deleted the symlinks
(16:43:03) 254229402 instead of solving the noit showm "0" folder
(16:50:22) 254229402 http://www.customer.com/
(16:50:25) 254229402 still down
(17:07:51) 254229402 we still can't access customer.com
(17:08:11) 254229402 and still we can't access the "0" flder in cpanel
(17:17:02) 254229402 Site is still down
(17:17:07) 254229402 are you working on it
(17:17:11) 254229402 is there anybody?
(17:22:11) 254229402 Hallo
(17:23:01) 254229402 I can't change any permissions as I even can't SEE the folders inside of "0"
(17:37:05) 254229402 customer.com still not accessible
(17:37:29) 254229402 I already send you this 6 hours ago!
(18:06:08) 254229402
Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Unknown: Failed opening '/home/ourdomain/public_html/1/t3abc/index.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0
(18:06:20) 254229402 now we get this error at customer.com
(18:06:35) 254229402 still no access nor thru the "0" folder in cpanel
(19:16:09) 254229402 Main Prob;lem still not solved No records found.
(19:16:28) 254229402 we can't access into our "0" folder thru cpanel but need to be able to!
(19:16:40) 254229402 otherwise we can't copy our folders
(19:16:57) 254229402 so you need to find out a way how we can access our "0" folder in Cpanel
(19:17:19) 254229402 we started this problem actually at about 11am
(19:17:31) 254229402 and until now NO results
(19:17:41) 254229402 we still can't access
(19:18:20) 254229402 The problem is definitly Cpanel as it does not display folders with a "0" at first place!!!
(19:18:40) 254229402 something seems to be wrong in youe cpanel system
(19:24:49) 254229402 I need a way to get to my folders and files in "o"
(19:25:36) 254229402 "0" folder and to first check the symlinks and than copythem - if the copy is working change the main symlink to the new folder
(19:25:51) 254229402 so how can I access folder "0"???
Saturday, July 12, 2008
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