Tuesday, September 23, 2008

IMHOSTED BLOCKING exec() and others DAY 7

Hello ,

Sorry for the confusion.

All your files and folders have been restored back.

The following URLs are working fine.

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Andreas Becker an supervisor
Details anzeigen 23. Sep. (Vor 1 Tag)


Thanks a lot! Unfortunately there are still files missing and the folders are still showing "no records found" in cpanel

Here the List of folders where still the files are missing: all paths starting from /home2/...


/123/iVideo/2002 ...-Diverses/2002_01_01 Lisa Diverses Silverster Klostermuehle-Luho Chor

/123/iVideo/ lots of subfolders don't hold anything but we did not have empty folders there! and lots of our videos are still missing!





Then on the site

you can sill see those exec() errors and no pictures show up.

WHERE is Graphics Magick
and WHERE is image Magick
Warning: exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /home2/.../public_html/1/t3abc/t3lib/class.t3lib_stdgraphic.php on line 2532

as you can see here the pictures are not showing up because of this exec() problem!!!!
No Graphics - we don't know why this error is showing up as the site hasn't been changed for wbout 1 1/2 year and worked perfectly before with lots of images and absolutly no error - especially no exec() error!
Why does this now appear
Where does it come from
What actually have you changed in the settings i.e. php??? what was there before

We weren't able to discover why this happens as we tries the site on another host and it is showing up perfectly, so it is 100% a server problem - or a problem of your server settings as it was the same with the php.ini problem max mem. You changed it without notice to customers and lots of TYPO3 sites were down as you set the default to 16MB and TYPO3 needs at least 64 to run good in Version 4.2.1

I need the paths to the Graphic Programs and also an exact report about what else has been changed!


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