Thursday, December 27, 2007


Dec 26 - 12:58 GMT
Hi This is now the third post, as all previous posts weren't solved until now. Please read all posts here:

You told in your latest Post that you wanna execute the command but until now (2 days later) nothing happened.

Tomorrow the complete Redmine needs to be working as we will need it for our Projects with our Customers! So please solve the problem in the next 2 hours and get the REDMINE Installation working like promised since several days.

Thanks Andi
Dec 26 - 13:33 GMT
Hello Andreas,

Thank you for submitting a ticket.

We have made some corretive changes and it could take upto 3 hours for the changes made to reflect on the internet. Kindly check after 3 hours and feel free to contact us in case of any further issues.

Kind regards,
Josh, Support
Servage Hosting
Dec 26 - 16:35 GMT
Application error
Rails application failed to start properly

It is now 3 HOURS after your changes and we still get the same error like the one we are getting since 5 days!!!

YOU NEED TO execute the command to create the redmine database. Before ou need to solve the MYSQL Database connectivity problem which blocks already TYPO3, vTIGER and Magento
Dec 26 - 18:15 GMT
REDMINE is still not working on SERVAGE as you still not have executed the command to create the databases!!! WE ARE WAITING SINCE 6 DAYS!!!

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