Thursday, January 17, 2008


Jan 17 - 14:45 GMT

Today we read the announcement that Servage Hosting offers now also German Support for its Members but it seems as it is only a Marketing Gag and a real Flop.

We simply asked the support in German and he mailed back in English and asked us to submit the problem in SIMPLE English Language. Very bad for our customers - lots of them who we had today in house and asked for it - as we now have to tell them that there isn't any German Support available at all and it seems like which was until last week redirected to is only a real big untrue and unhonest thing.

I am so sorry about that!

Submit this Part best to Steffan Fallesen and ask him if he is the only one capable to speak German at Servage Hosting.

Translation of the Header in simple English:
Servage Hosting German Customer Service/Support can't speak German!

Any comments:

Jan 17 - 15:02 GMT

What about your Ethics:
Gesetz und Ethik

Es ist unsere Politik geltende Gesetze und Regulierungen für unser Geschäft zu befolgen. Wir erwarten von unseren Angestellten, dass diese sich auf eine ethisch korrekte Art verhalten und stets fair, gründlich und verantwortungsvoll Ihre Aufgaben lösen.

Legal Compliance and Ethics

It is our policy to be in compliance with all laws and regulations applying to our business operations in each of the territories in which we operate. We expect our employees to conduct themselves in an ethical manner in all dealings on its behalf, and to be honest, fair and courteous in their work.
You write here about "TO BE HONEST":
Do you think it is honest to tell people wrong things thru your websites? Do you think it is OK to promote on the website a German Support but actually the Support isn't at all capable to answer in or read German?

We maid the test as you know - Asked you a very simple Question in German and you asked us to formulate the simple question in simple english ;-) I guess this is not very honest to deal like this with your customers.

OR? Really sad not to receive any answers now!

Klickt man auf
erhaelt man die Allgemeinen Geschaeftsbedingungen der Deutschen Firma Servage GmbH. Leider sind diese in Englisch abgefasst, wohl damit der Deutsche Servage Kundendienst sie auch versteht ;-)

Ebenso sieht es bei den Verhaltensregeln aus die ebenfalls in English praesentiert werden.

Jan 17 - 15:02 GMT
Servage - Scott

Hello Andreas,

I am sorry to say that the German support is still not available. It will be available in next few months.

Thank you! :)

Kind regards,
Scott, Support
Servage Hosting

Jan 17 - 15:22 GMT

You See Scott!

How can we promote Servage if we tell our customers about you and then we receive those answers. This is very very bad!

So please DEACTVATE the part which says DEUTSCHER KUNDENDIENST as it is against GERMAN LAW AND ORDER!!! if you don't have it available NOW - or simply add the thing you just wrote me. Add - will be available in a few months but we don't know in how many months ;-)
Steffan Fallesen can translate it into German.

I really recommend Servage to change their Service Partner to a much more reliable one. For us Customer Support is NO1 and not something we make jokes of like your German Customer Service.

Lets check I guess some very angry customers will monitor the appearance of the text "Deutscher Kundenservice" before ther is really a German Support at Servage Hosting.

Deutscher Kundenservice - Freundlicher Support auf Deutsch

Jan 17 - 14:15 GMT

Hallo Servage
wie wir gerade von unseren Freunden erfahren haben gibt es nun endlich doch auch einen Support auf Deutsch. Wir koennen das noch garnicht glauben und fragen deshalb einmal nach.

Also unter - Technische Daten - steht eben dieses:
"Deutscher Kundenservice - Freundlicher Support auf Deutsch"

Ich hoffe dass wir unsere Anfrage von numehr nicht mehr in Englisch machen muessen. Danke!

Jan 17 - 14:18 GMT
Servage - Peter

Hello Andreas,

Thank you for submitting the ticket.

Please elaborate the issue in simple english language so that we will be able to assist you in better way.

Thank you for understanding.

Kind regards,
Peter, Servage - Support
Servage Hosting

Jan 17 - 14:36 GMT

Hmm Keine Antwort auf Deutsch
also doch nur wieder ein Flop

Read more about the German Support from Servage Hosting which doesn't know any German and can only respond in very simple English here: