Friday, June 11, 2010


(03:11:08) andi: the site is stioll down and we still cant access cpanel
(03:11:10) : Please wait for a site operator to respond.
(03:11:10) : Please wait for a site operator to respond.
(03:11:28) andi: it is really not a help at all that you close te chat
(03:12:08) andi: ok at least now phpmyadmin seelns to be working again
(03:12:40) andi: we can oprn the database but it shows the table as "in use"
(03:12:45) andi: in collation
(03:12:53) andi: as the collation settings are complete wronk
(03:12:58) andi: I said it before already
(03:13:33) andi: before you import or restore databases you need to check your server settings as uor Databases are all 100% utf8 with NO latin settings at all
(03:13:46) andi: all tables have to be utf8_general_ci
(03:13:55) andi: but now we see lots of latin tables
(03:14:01) andi: which we had never before
(03:14:51) andi: it seems that all tables with content won't get displayed
(03:15:03) Customer Service: I saw that through the phpMyadmin and that might be because of the corrupted database and that is why I am suggesting you to restore the database db00 and see how it goes. I have already confirmed all the permission issue with your database and you should not be any issue after restoring your database
(03:15:07) andi: They look like empty
(03:15:35) andi: well the backup is the same you are using and
(03:15:53) andi: we are using the backup fiunctionality of your cpanel
(03:15:56) andi: check it
(03:17:31) Customer Service: I can't locate cPanel backup file. Can you please upload the .sql backup of the database
(03:17:37) andi: also the table db090409 is broken showing same errors
(03:17:39) Customer Service: db00 or let me know the location
(03:17:49) andi: it is on the server I said this before
(03:18:02) andi: You know where your backup stuff is storing the databases
(03:18:44) Customer Service: The cpanel backup should be under your home directory which is not there and we have already tried our own backup
(03:19:53) andi: haha
(03:19:58) andi: funy I hope it is a joke
(03:20:24) andi: how should I restore a backup from a folder on your server when it is not there
(03:20:27) andi: the folder
(03:20:44) andi: so simply get into your Raid and backup system and search for this folder
(03:20:47) Customer Service: I was asking you from your own backup which you might have stored at your system for your reference
(03:21:21) andi: I stored it on our system in teh folder your cpanel is providing to customers
(03:21:27) andi: so this folder is gone
(03:21:31) andi: so there is no backup
(03:21:39) andi: is it that what you are trying to say
(03:21:51) andi: This is not funny at all
(03:22:23) andi: It does not matter even which database we see as ALL databases ahow the same symproms
(03:22:43) andi: in other wiords ALL databases show those inuse and latin1_swedish settings
(03:22:52) andi: This is the main errors you are having
(03:23:08) andi: You have changed your Server settings to latin1_swedish_ci
(03:23:29) andi: we are here in Thailand and not in Sweden!!! I hope you have got this
(03:23:46) andi: we don't need this latin1 stuff therefore we NEVER use it
(03:24:03) andi: so why are now all our tables in latin1_swedish??
(03:24:20) andi: check ALL databases in our account, they are all the same issues
(03:24:24) andi: all of them
(03:24:38) andi: so stop talking about backups and change the server settings
(03:24:44) andi: they need to be as followed
(03:25:12) andi: MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
(03:25:31) andi: MySQL connection collation: utf8_general_ci
(03:25:44) andi: All Tables and fields utf8_general_ci
(03:26:03) andi: NO latin1_swedish_ci has been existing in our database before
(03:27:15) andi: it seems to be a permission issue
(03:27:32) andi: please have a look your self in our phpmyadmin and you know what i am talkin g about
(03:27:39) andi: this is the problem you need to solve
(03:28:15) andi: get into your server settings and change the my.ini or my.cnf settings so that there will NO latin_swedish_ci appear at all
(03:28:29) andi: We need our site back FAST!!!!
(03:28:36) andi: we already waited many hours
(03:31:36) andi: Have you checked
(03:32:10) andi: It is not a problem with the backups but a proble with yuor server settings and permissions
(03:32:46) Customer Service: Checking
(03:40:16) andi: When you get rid of this "in use" in all of our tables and get additional also the original utf8 settings in there - NO latin at all
(03:40:22) andi: Than the sites are woking again
(03:44:14) andi: any results so far


> Andi: Well now you were able to restore the database but you have again forgotten to give us the propper permissions so that the application is actuallly able to get its data
> : Please wait for a site operator to respond.
> Andi: furthermore you restored the database in a latin1_swedish_ci
> : Please wait for a site operator to respond.
> : You are now chatting with 'Customer Service'.
> Customer Service: Hello Andi
> Andi: This is TOTALLY wrong as all tables have ben UTF8_general_ci before
> Andi: we general DON'T USE all latin stuff since 2006 as we have multiingual content on our site even in chinese etc.
> Andi: so before you reload a databsde you need to set the right collation and connections in my.cnf or mysql.ini
> Andi: all our sites were operating like this since 2006
> Andi: in about 99 % of the tables we have NO access at all
> Andi: nor does our applications have as you have restored the database with your root account and you have forgotten to give us the right permissions.
> Andi: go to phpmyadmin click on te House than permissions
> Andi: choose our user
> Andi: assign the databses to it
> Andi: and give all permissions - disable grant
> Andi: that is how it is done
> Andi: furthermore DON'T ACCESS the Install TOOL without our notice!
> Andi: we have been recorded multiple Hack Trials from Imhosted IPs
> Andi: i.e.
> Andi: There has been an Install Tool login attempt at TYPO3 site 'Domain' ( The MD5 hash of the last 5 characters of the password tried was 'ebee5'
> Andi: or
> Andi: There has been an Install Tool login attempt at TYPO3 site 'Domain' ( The MD5 hash of the last 5 characters of the password tried was '73247' REMOTE_ADDR was '' ()
> Andi: This is incredible
> Andi: Either you know what you are doing or simply ask before managing a server of a customer
> Andi: or hacking into his account
> Andi: otherwise we have a nice headline:
> Customer Service: The mysql connectivity issue with your account has been already fixed nad the domain is loading fine. However the another domain is showing the Typo error even after restoring the database from backup. The database has full permission to the user
> Andi: No not at all we don't have permission
> Andi: we see with lots of "in use" messages
> Andi: simply check
> Andi: Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home2/domain/public_html/a1/t/typo3_src-4.3.0alpha3/t3lib/class.t3lib_db.php on line 1054 Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home2/domain/public_html/a1/t/typo3_src-4.3.0alpha3/t3lib/class.t3lib_db.php on line 1074 Warning:
> Andi: this is what we get
> Andi: Now the site is complete down
> Andi: http://custdomain/typo3/install/index.php?TYPO3_INSTALL[type]=update
> Customer Service: Yes. there is issue with server at this moment.
> Customer Service: We will really appreciate if you can post a support ticket so that we will have a better look to this issue. It is little bit difficult to give full attention to issues like this while on chat
> : Operator has ended this chat.


> andi: Sites completly down Please check here the history we had already with your support
> : Please wait for a site operator to respond.
> andi:
> : Please wait for a site operator to respond.
> andi: This was until they hang up
> : Please wait for a site operator to respond.
> : You are now chatting with 'Customer Service'.
> Customer Service: Sorry Andi! It seems we got disconnected
> Customer Service: I am already lloking into this issue only
> andi: For your information we will report this issue to our customers through this blog as they can't access our sites anymore and are complaining a lot
> andi: We have here Fiber Optic connection with very high speed perhaps you should update your lines to the outside
> Customer Service: The current version of PHP on the server is 5.2.10 and I am aware of any recent changes in the software configuration. This issue has also nothing to do with open base dir restriction
> Customer Service: Give me some moment to locate the root cause of the issue
> andi: its the connection to the MYSQL server like many times before
> andi: you can read thru the issues in 2009 2008 and before as they were always the same problem/
> andi: You updated the software without taking any care for the sites you are hosting on your servers
> andi: Wednesday, February 4, 2009
> andi:
> andi: we lost lots of customers because of this in 2009
> andi: Tuesday, February 3, 2009
> andi: This even while KATE your BIG Support Team was involved with the Open_basedir issue
> andi: in January 29 , 2009
> andi: I just open up my backend and receive the following error message: Warning: fopen(/home2/DOMAIN.../typo3temp/extensions.xml.gz) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in/home2/DOMAIN.../typo3_src/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php on line 2687 In other words openbasedir! fopen is still active
> andi: This happend after Your Support Team wrote us that they have disabled it on the whole account
> andi: Hi, I have disabled openbase_dir for all your accounts as requested. - Hide quoted text - Regards, Joseph A.
> andi: On January 27 2009 James finds data Imhosted has lost while upgrading their servers
> andi: The issue has been fixed, please check now. All the data inside the folder 123 & 456 has been correctly restored now. James
> andi: On January 25 Joseph is writing that he has disabled again Open Base dir
> andi: Interesting as Imhosted alwasy tells custoers that they haven't activated it
> andi: Hi, I have disabled php open_basedir restrictions for your domain. Please check now. Regarding TYPO3 permission issues, plaese check whether you have have given writeable permissions to folders as mention in their documentation/manual. Regards. Joseph A ___________________________
> andi: read about the 8 days of Horror with Imhosted
> andi:
> andi: well we need to work here, when is it fixed as we already are waiting nearly an hour
> andi: can you refund our losses
> Customer Service: Andi! I understand how you might be feeling and sorry about the inconveniences caused in the past. I have already checked the settings but couldn't locate anything. I am also not aware about any recent software changes. The open base dir restriction is also nothing to do with this error
> Customer Service: I need to contact our system engineer for more information
> andi: Fact is the site is down and you can check your logfiles and we haven't even accessed the server for months
> Customer Service: I will suggest you to post a support ticket so that we can update you after contacting system engineer
> andi: so who is corrupting the sites -
> andi: We posted so many I will simply write here on the blog and use the 24/7 support
> andi: this is what you advertise
> andi: call James call Kate
> andi: call Joseph and all those other guys mentioned in our blog already
> andi: They messed it up so many times perhaps they know also how to fix it
> andi: You can simply contact your next level support
> andi: You are adverticing things so get ity going
> andi: Customers are interested to have websites up and running and not al l those MySQL errors they can't do anything about it
> andi: we can't even access the problem
> andi: OR
> andi: simply give us Root Access to the server, so that we can manage and solve this problem in NO time
> andi: You are the one and only left Horror Hoster we are using by the way. All other sites are meanwhile on an own server.
> andi: where we take care and can guarantee high quality
> andi: People who like to host their sites with us are welcome to contact us
> andi: Could you please also provide us a HOW TO how we can MOVE the domains from this Imhosted Site IMMEDIATELY to one of our SAFE Server suroundings
> andi: As one of the domains is also the account domain so where can we enter the nameserver changes
> andi: and still be able to access our Imhosted Account
> andi: We can only warn people again and again to host with Imhosted
> andi: And fortunately lots of people are reading our blog
> andi: Thanks a lot
> andi: -------------
> andi: So how can we move those 2 remaining sites to the new server?
> andi: for one of the domains it should not be so difficult I guess as long as yu help us to safe the content and
> andi: for the account domain it is more difficult as we don't know where we can change the nameserver on our main domain so that this is using our new server
> andi: I am going now to the office whoch will give you about 30 Minutes time to solve the problem
> andi: There we will meet with customers who are looking for Hosting and of course for running sites
> andi: CU
> andi: 1. Restart the complete server
> andi: . disable open base dir
> andi: 3. disable suexec
> andi: 3. check if you have perhaps DELETED the databases!!!
> andi: 4. restore the site from yuor backup
> andi: as said the site was running months ago so yuo should have a backup which very easy restors the complete virtualserver we are using
> andi: to restore the virtusl server you can use the backup functionality CPanel is provideing for resellers
> andi: simply restore our complete Account and set it back to where it was still working
> andi: go step by step make a roll back step by step
> andi: instead of searching endless for yuor messed up settings
> andi: 30 Minutes we'll be back and continue wrting our blog.

> Customer Service: Thank you for your valuable time and suggestions. We will do the needful
> Customer Service: and will try to sort it out ASAP
> andi: We haven't added anything for months on here
> andi: so simply RESTORE it
> andi: But OK also a restore is opnly working if your MySQL Connection is working ;-)
> andi: And there seems to be the problem



> Andi: Warning: Unknown: open(/home2/domain/public_html/sessions/sess_fedf83be799400aa8c9619dfa9a77684, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/home2/domain/public_html/sessions) in Unknown on line 0
> : Please wait for a site operator to respond.
> : You are now chatting with 'Customer Service'.
> Andi: The site was working perfect for over one year and now it is down even we haven't done anything on the site at all
> Andi: The site was working perfect for over one year and now it is down even we haven't done anything on the site at all
> Customer Service: Hello
> Andi: Have you again updated your PHP
> Customer Service: Welcome to Live Chat.
> Customer Service: Let me know your domain name please
> Andi: Have you again enabled OpenBase Dir
> Andi: domain
> Andi: When you have again enabled either Open Base Dir or Suexec or some other shit like in the Past when our site was down than take this out immediately or check our support history
> Andi: we had this issue over and over again after you updated your server software as you DON'T inform customers about updates
> Andi: Our software needs settings DISABLED which you alwaysa nd alwasy again ENABLE
> Andi: otherwise the No1 CMS isn't running
> Andi: I gice you 15 minutes to fix that
> Customer Service: Andi! Please stay with me and I will have a look to this issue
> Andi: I stay for 15 minutes
> Customer Service: I am looking into this issue
> Andi: I hope so
> Andi: This problem occurse about 2 -3 times a year always after you change server settings
> Andi: Oh well here we are
> Andi: You just crashed also our company site
> Andi:
> Andi: so this is also down
> Andi: Here the message
> Andi: message is to long
> Andi: check it on the site itself
> Andi:
> Andi: lots of MySQL Errors
> Customer Service: Andi, I am not aware about any server wide changes. However I am looking into this Mysql errors
> Andi:
> Andi: here we report issues with our hosters to give our customers a valuable feedback
> Andi: checkout imhosted
> Andi: and you see lots of these issues
> Andi: over and over again
> Andi: still 10 Minutes left
> Andi: The MySQl is down
> Andi: Check out this here and you get the complete IMHOSTED desasters
> Andi:
> : Site operators are currently busy. Please press 'Close' and try again in a few minutes.

To be continued when they will work again