Friday, June 11, 2010


> andi: Sites completly down Please check here the history we had already with your support
> : Please wait for a site operator to respond.
> andi:
> : Please wait for a site operator to respond.
> andi: This was until they hang up
> : Please wait for a site operator to respond.
> : You are now chatting with 'Customer Service'.
> Customer Service: Sorry Andi! It seems we got disconnected
> Customer Service: I am already lloking into this issue only
> andi: For your information we will report this issue to our customers through this blog as they can't access our sites anymore and are complaining a lot
> andi: We have here Fiber Optic connection with very high speed perhaps you should update your lines to the outside
> Customer Service: The current version of PHP on the server is 5.2.10 and I am aware of any recent changes in the software configuration. This issue has also nothing to do with open base dir restriction
> Customer Service: Give me some moment to locate the root cause of the issue
> andi: its the connection to the MYSQL server like many times before
> andi: you can read thru the issues in 2009 2008 and before as they were always the same problem/
> andi: You updated the software without taking any care for the sites you are hosting on your servers
> andi: Wednesday, February 4, 2009
> andi:
> andi: we lost lots of customers because of this in 2009
> andi: Tuesday, February 3, 2009
> andi: This even while KATE your BIG Support Team was involved with the Open_basedir issue
> andi: in January 29 , 2009
> andi: I just open up my backend and receive the following error message: Warning: fopen(/home2/DOMAIN.../typo3temp/extensions.xml.gz) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in/home2/DOMAIN.../typo3_src/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php on line 2687 In other words openbasedir! fopen is still active
> andi: This happend after Your Support Team wrote us that they have disabled it on the whole account
> andi: Hi, I have disabled openbase_dir for all your accounts as requested. - Hide quoted text - Regards, Joseph A.
> andi: On January 27 2009 James finds data Imhosted has lost while upgrading their servers
> andi: The issue has been fixed, please check now. All the data inside the folder 123 & 456 has been correctly restored now. James
> andi: On January 25 Joseph is writing that he has disabled again Open Base dir
> andi: Interesting as Imhosted alwasy tells custoers that they haven't activated it
> andi: Hi, I have disabled php open_basedir restrictions for your domain. Please check now. Regarding TYPO3 permission issues, plaese check whether you have have given writeable permissions to folders as mention in their documentation/manual. Regards. Joseph A ___________________________
> andi: read about the 8 days of Horror with Imhosted
> andi:
> andi: well we need to work here, when is it fixed as we already are waiting nearly an hour
> andi: can you refund our losses
> Customer Service: Andi! I understand how you might be feeling and sorry about the inconveniences caused in the past. I have already checked the settings but couldn't locate anything. I am also not aware about any recent software changes. The open base dir restriction is also nothing to do with this error
> Customer Service: I need to contact our system engineer for more information
> andi: Fact is the site is down and you can check your logfiles and we haven't even accessed the server for months
> Customer Service: I will suggest you to post a support ticket so that we can update you after contacting system engineer
> andi: so who is corrupting the sites -
> andi: We posted so many I will simply write here on the blog and use the 24/7 support
> andi: this is what you advertise
> andi: call James call Kate
> andi: call Joseph and all those other guys mentioned in our blog already
> andi: They messed it up so many times perhaps they know also how to fix it
> andi: You can simply contact your next level support
> andi: You are adverticing things so get ity going
> andi: Customers are interested to have websites up and running and not al l those MySQL errors they can't do anything about it
> andi: we can't even access the problem
> andi: OR
> andi: simply give us Root Access to the server, so that we can manage and solve this problem in NO time
> andi: You are the one and only left Horror Hoster we are using by the way. All other sites are meanwhile on an own server.
> andi: where we take care and can guarantee high quality
> andi: People who like to host their sites with us are welcome to contact us
> andi: Could you please also provide us a HOW TO how we can MOVE the domains from this Imhosted Site IMMEDIATELY to one of our SAFE Server suroundings
> andi: As one of the domains is also the account domain so where can we enter the nameserver changes
> andi: and still be able to access our Imhosted Account
> andi: We can only warn people again and again to host with Imhosted
> andi: And fortunately lots of people are reading our blog
> andi: Thanks a lot
> andi: -------------
> andi: So how can we move those 2 remaining sites to the new server?
> andi: for one of the domains it should not be so difficult I guess as long as yu help us to safe the content and
> andi: for the account domain it is more difficult as we don't know where we can change the nameserver on our main domain so that this is using our new server
> andi: I am going now to the office whoch will give you about 30 Minutes time to solve the problem
> andi: There we will meet with customers who are looking for Hosting and of course for running sites
> andi: CU
> andi: 1. Restart the complete server
> andi: . disable open base dir
> andi: 3. disable suexec
> andi: 3. check if you have perhaps DELETED the databases!!!
> andi: 4. restore the site from yuor backup
> andi: as said the site was running months ago so yuo should have a backup which very easy restors the complete virtualserver we are using
> andi: to restore the virtusl server you can use the backup functionality CPanel is provideing for resellers
> andi: simply restore our complete Account and set it back to where it was still working
> andi: go step by step make a roll back step by step
> andi: instead of searching endless for yuor messed up settings
> andi: 30 Minutes we'll be back and continue wrting our blog.

> Customer Service: Thank you for your valuable time and suggestions. We will do the needful
> Customer Service: and will try to sort it out ASAP
> andi: We haven't added anything for months on here
> andi: so simply RESTORE it
> andi: But OK also a restore is opnly working if your MySQL Connection is working ;-)
> andi: And there seems to be the problem

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