Monday, January 7, 2008

Ruby on Rails - very very very very SLOOOOW

Jan 07 - 00:54 GMT

Ruby on Rails Applications start very very sssllllooowww and sometimes the simply give Application error, or Internal Error 500. We have nothing changed on our Application, so it is an issue somewhere else as it was working perfectly before.

Other Applications like TYPO3, Lifetype start faster but also much slower than before.

Could you please check

Jan 07 - 00:54 GMT


Jan 07 - 01:37 GMT
Servage - Adam

Hello Andreas,

Thanks for the update.

We have checked your issue and have made some necessary corrective chnages on your account and it seems that your websites are working just fine now.

Kindly check and confirm the same and update us if you have any further queries.

Kind regards,
Adam, Support -support
Servage Hosting

Jan 07 - 08:24 GMT


is again very very slow and customers are complaining that they are getting Internal Errors and Application not found even in Germany. Please change your settings so that it is running fast again.

General also phpmyadmin loaded very very slow. from Thailand or from Germany - in other words it doesn't matter where you are so it is a problem in your servers again

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