Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Have you ever thought it could not come worse? Yeah - Oh then go to IMHOSTED.COM.
Since 5 days they are trying to move an Account to a modern PHP5 MYSQL5 (Titan) Server and still we are missing lots of files.

But thats not all TYPO3 isn't anymore working with IMHOSTED.COM. They still advertise it but they are simply don't tell you the truth. They have disabled so much

functionality in their PHP Apache surrounding that Applications which need i.e. exec () won't run anymore. TYPO3 is calling ImageMagick thru exec ()

But even more here the list we discovered until now:
disable_functions =exec,passthru,proc_open,proc_close,proc_get_status,proc_terminate,shell_exec,myshellexec,system,shell,system_exec,posix_getpwuid,posix_getgrgid,posix_kill,ssh2_exec,pcntl_exec,ini_restore

Here some of the warnings you might receive: (in the example we used a clean fantastico Install from Imhosted.com!) Even this isn't working at all!

Warning: ini_restore () has been disabled for security reasons in
/home2/user/public_html/1234567890/t3lib/class.t3lib_db.php on line 897
Warning: ini_restore () has been disabled for security reasons in
/home2/user/public_html/1234567890/t3lib/class.t3lib_db.php on line 898
It seems that there is no adequate ImageMagick installation available at the checked locations (/usr/X11R6/bin/, /usr/bin/, /usr/local/bin/)
An 'adequate' installation for requires 'convert', 'combine'/'composite' and 'identify' to be available
Warning: exec () has been disabled for security reasons in
/home2/user/public_html/1/t3abc/typo3/sysext/install/mod/class.tx_install.php on line 1927
Possibly these functions are disabled due to security risks and most likely the list would include a function like exec() which is use by TYPO3 to access ImageMagick.

As you can see on this List simply forget to run a high quality CMS Site at IMHOSTED.COM or one of their connected Hosting places

Try to look for a better hoster who qualifies for you to host your high quality websites!

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