Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Here some things you should check out in advance before signing up!

simply contact them thru their live support and check it out. In 95% of the cases they won't answer you as the 24/7 support isn't available 24/7 ;-)

2. Check out their SPEED of your site and the SPEED of their support
if you have a coffee machine and some nice books to read you might wanna host with SERVAGE HOSTING. They will give you enough time to read chapter by chapter for each page reload and also for waiting until a support member will answer your requests.
if you are looking for communication then go to IMHOSTED HOSTING. They have a 24/7 support and nice addresses to mail to and sometimes they even answer and you will be able to reply many times, because as soon as they start to do something on the server it is getting worse and your site will drop down, show errors over and over ...
Standard answer will be:
Note that our level 2 techs are working on the issue and would update you soon.

CPanel, Plesk and how they are called - simply forget them and check what has been enabled by the Hoster!
3.1 Can you copy files and folders?
---- not possible at SERVAGE HOSTING

3.2 can you set file Permissions Recursively for complete Folder Branches or checked files and folders
---- not possible at IMHOSTED HOSTING

3.3 can you create SYMLINKS?
---- not possible at IMHOSTED HOSTING

3.4 Check out if you can change CNAME and MX

---- not possible at IMHOSTED HOSTING concerning to CNAME - you need to wait hours until the support will do it!

3.5 Check out if they have ssh
--- not possible at SERVAGE HOSTING

3.6 Check out if you will be able to access ssh even from your Clients PC
---- not possible at IMHOSTED HOSTING as they restrict their ssh to singe IP addresses - in other words it is even not working when you don't have your own STATIC IP Address all the time!!! Do you have a dynamic IP the you will need to wait and write a lot to get this always again enabled. >> simply forget working with ssh at IMHOSTED.COM as it sucks to wait for answers and results!

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