Sorry, but where is your support you are advertising. Since over one week we are focusing a major problem and get no sufficient help in this case. You promised that the admin will check but nothing happened and still no answer.
Better you should start reading at the END > scroll down
Read more about all what happened in tis case here:
go to Servage Hosting and search for Redmine or Ruby on Rails
or search in Google for
Ruby on Rails Servage
We still have this application error - WHY IS NOBODY - even not the ADMIN you talked about able and willing to help and assis there?
Don't you wanna chane your Image?
Disadvantages to using Servage:
* Servage web hosting does not provide adequate statistics (no search engine information, etc)
* Servage has NO guarantee. If you have any problems, even within the first 30 days you cannot get any money back.
* Servage does not have any live support (phone or live chat), they do not even provide a physical address.
seen here:
or here:
The Downside of Servage
1. You have to pay yearly. Therefore if you are suspended or unhappy with the Servage, it is hard to get your money back.
2. Sometimes, the support can be vague. It seems like they copy and paste information, instead of typing it.
3. You can be suspended if your bandwidth reaches the limit for the day.
4. You are suspended if you reach 400000 hits.
5. FTP is limited to 50kb/s, if you have high speed connection, uploading would still be slow.
6. FTP times out very much.
7. No Cpanel
Servage calculates the bandwidth daily, unlike a few other hosts. The upside is you won’t have all the bandwidth taken in three days and have the remaining month none (therefore the site is down for a long time)
However, if you do not use the allocated bandwidth for one day, they do not give you the extra unused bandwidth for the following day. ... From personal experience, if I could afford more, I would move. They are not bad, but there are things they need to work on.
Rating: 4
or here:
This company claims to set up most sites within 30 minutes. Well.. they took the money from my account in 30 minutes, but over 2 weeks later and I still did not have an account with them. Despite requesting a refund on 5 occasions, I am still waiting and have had to threaten legal action against them. Each time I write to their accounts they keep requesting the details which I registered with them so they can find my account. I DON'T have an account with them! They failed to give me one! They just took the money and despite repeatedly telling them and giving them all the details I possibly can, I just keep on getting the same lack of response. My advice is to avoid this company like the plague, the have showed blatant incompetence in all respects.
Just a bit below from NICK
Servage is the worst. I'm from India and went for it 'cause my friend suggested. If the site doesnt generate lots of hits then are ok. For 6 months I was working on the site they were very kind then when I launched the site the first day I got 2,40,000 hits and by evening they had suspended the a/c. Can u imagine that? The bandwidth was well within limits and so was the space. I was told some crap about PHP load.
I managed to keep the hits within 2,00,000 since then but today within 2 weeks they suspended the domain itself & are asking me to go for a new one. Now they say CPU load. Everytime they come up with some new technical term to justify their incompetency.
They dont even bother to email or reply when the site is down. Neither do they suggest ways to reduce the so called load.
I lost my online business and customers due to them.
Is there a place where we can complain the fraud & shut them down forever?
even further down webhost 2007 writes
Though a DNS change within 1 hour reduces traffic with 80%, they refused to respond to let our pages stay up. We asked if they'd kindly let our page up as a redirect, they simply did not respond.
More dishonest service is hard to find. If you have very low traffic, it may work ok. But their ads are incorrect and they should be closed by a court for such behavior. Nothing is worse than getting unwarranted downtime not violating any policy. Servage guarantees 99,98% uptime, but in reality they make sure you have downtime by bad intent...
The funny part is that they claim to host large sites with more than 3 mill. pageviews per day. But after 30,000 pageviews, the suspend your account without warning or even a small redirect to avoid downtime!
If you know a lawyer wanting to sue them, I'd be happy to assist. I'll now ask for the 5-day money back guarantee, but knowing such persons I assume I need to ask credit card company for a charge back.
We believe that our name describes our company well as it is our goal to serve our customers while always keeping our systems up-to-date with the most modern hard- and software.
BUT Julius Thijssen writes just below about it:
I wish I had read these posts earlier. I've just lost 30 Gigabytes of storage there. And all BY THEIR OWN doing, entirely their decision and their loser-personnel. Nothing of it was my fault or related to overuse or anything close to that (you can find the emails in WHT forum), just amateurs too lazy to make backups or use their heads moving your account around like they're playing with apples or something, without even telling you about it. Idiots, is all I can say, they are absolute and utter fools.
he continues:
So yeah: AVOID SERVAGE AT ALL COST! Even if you're tempted, trust me: Don't do it. Their customer support is a big bunch of liars, no name is real either. They make promises they never keep in almost every message.
this sounds like our experiences at the moment too!
And if you're still a Servage customer: LEAVE NOW. Get your data out of there while you still can. I genuinely HATE them now, and I rarely hate anyone. They give a bad reputation to Danish and Northern German citizen. The worst IT-anonymous bunch I've EVER encountered. For crying out loud, I wasn't even using much of what I was entitled to!
So you are in Flensburg - That's fine as then German law will take place :-) as you are advertising things you don't provide
Scott, Support
Servage Hosting"
Strangely though, the data isn't old at all. It's the exact same data the way I left it 30 hours earlier. I do notice that server response and download speed have gone WAY up as well. Just had to tell you this, so the review is true and complete. They've more than made up for their mistake(s).
I'm not sure if I'll be staying with servage forever, but they made VERY sure I would, for now I'm a happy camper again..
The Support rating should have an extra option added to the list: "Strange". Their support is actually not bad, it's just very weird. They change from being cold robots to nice friendly tolerating humans. They alter from BOsFH to lovable admins. You just never know what to expect or when..
Alan Myers here:
The pricing would be good if they could do all they claimed to be able to do. Unfortunately they don't hit the mark for me on any of their claims. The technical support is 'basic' to say the least. - They really don't seem to have the technical ability to manage the hardware
Here is even a Writer about Servage collecting your Threads already from your support - interesting how similar they sound to us here: GLEN >>
I guess there is no need to talk about reliability of a site who's tech support have no clue about what they are doing?
Just read following ticket content (from down up) and decide for yourself. Considering that I placed a ticket 10 hours after actual fail happens - make your own conclusions. Do you really want to loose your Web site; your backups; your files? Do you really want to get a lousy support?
Sign for Servage then.
I'm a servage customer for almost a year now and let me warn you people, STAY AWAY FROM SERVAGE! From the start we were losing 1 or two folders which wasnt a big deal but recently, we lost the whole main directory! And of course servage said "it wasn't our fault". I find it hard to believe that they are unable to trace where a whole folder (holding more than 20 GB) went. After a few days, my friend also lost her whole directory, nothing was left from her website and again servage said it wasnt their fault and they dont really try to check what's going on.
Reason why you need to AVOID servage:
1. Poor support. They dont know a jack what's going on and they are painfully slow. I asked why my site was deleted, and they said they don't know why.
KON-TIKI about your support
This host's a total ripoff.
When we first put our site there, we had daily lag from about 5pm til about 6am. We contacted tech support of Servage about this, and they always gave one of these two answers:
1) Either they waited til the problem period was over and said: "I just tried your site out and it loads just fine"
2) They offered to move the site to a different cluster. We once went ahead with this, which resulted in a day downtime, but the problem remained.
After 3 months, they finally said: "Then it can be difficult to say what it wrong. This is shared hosting and it could be that another customer used a little more resources than allowed." Shouldn't they have had logs of it, and keep each and every account completely separated from the others? I know that that's the normal way of business for hosts, to make it so one customer doesn't affect another's account.
The problem wasn't solved after that, though. The lag was gone most of the time, but we still kept having near-daily SQL connection failures (as my inbox can prove, as each failure comes in there), and there was still a regular downtime of at least 4h every two weeks.
ALEX on the same site below writes
They have confirmed that their downtime was far from OK, which already breaks the hosting services agreement immediately, but they refused to make moneyback or even at least partial refund. Instead they replied with:
Servage - Steffan: “I have added one free month more - it is really the best I can do..”
Another free month of shame, no, thank you, Servage.
Think twice before going to Servage repeating my mistake!
Richard below anotherone who wanna sue you WHY???
Hi paid for 6 months of hosting up front (Bad mistake). All was OK for about 2 weeks then they suspended my account becuase of a DDOS which I think didn't happen. They refused to enter into any discussion about the DDOS and I'm now seeking legal advice re suing them. DO NOT TOUCH THEM EVER AS THEY ARE THEIVES! Best regards, Richard Georgiou.
Servage also tried to make it look like they operate out of the United States by putting up a U.S. flag in their site on their home page. This is far from the truth as they are operated out of Germany.
Vielleicht sollte man einmal die Staatsanwaltschaft einschalten um anchzuforschen was hier wirklich vorgeht und we hier was verbockt. Die webseite traegt zumindest kein Impressum wie es dem deutschen Recht entsprechen wuerde was meint ihr.
Nun ehrlich gesagt habe ich kein Interesse daran Euch zu schaden, ich moechte nur die Ruby on Rails Redmine zum laufen bekommen und da warte ich nun schon seit Tagen auf eine Antwort.
Das Euer Support nicht qualifiziert ist ist klar abgesehen von der sogenannten Julie, die vielleicht August Nimmerlein heisst.
Das spielt auch keine Rolle.
Bringt bitte endlich REDMINE auf unserem Account zum laufen
Dec 28 - 07:52 GMT | > wird weitergeleitet auf - wodurch der eindruck entsteht es sei eine amerianische Firma, was Servage ja bekanntlich NICHT ist - oder? Sei es drum bringt doch bitte die Redmine Sache zum Laufen. Ich erstelle ja u.a. auch eine der groessten Multidomain Seiten auf Euren Servern und im Moment denke ich eher dem Kunden zu empfehlen woanders seine Seitezu Hosten. Diese Seiten haben Euch in den Verganagenen Jahren gigantisch viel zulauf gebracht, da die in Google ganz oben mitschwammen. Wir benoetigen Redmine ganz ganz dringend, da wir Termine bei UNSEREM INTERNATIONALEN KUNDEN einhalten muessen. Au geht's bringt es endlich zum laufen. Danke! |
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